Yes..Hello World! These were the two words on the sample blog pots. looks good, so why change it.

Any way this is my first ever blog, I decided to dedicate it to those in need. As most of you reading this blog are probably to a certain extent living in a comfortable life. Whether you have a job or not, need to pay loans and mortgages, have a stressful life at work, at least you might have a comfortable place to sleep, food to eat and some clothes to put on.

You don’t need to look too far to find people in need. Here is Seoul, I see this old woman in her seventies sitting in the cold weather and trying to sell some merchandise to make some money to eat, or even that old man who is begging at the entrance of the station. I always wondered why does someone at this age needs to go through this. I can not imagine myslef being in the shoes of this old woman, and yet, i am wondering how did this woman live. How much did she give already to society. Doesn’t she have children to take care of her. Did this woman have a better life thirty years ago before we have trains and cell phones. While all these thoughts go through my mind, i wonder and say at least she lives in Seoul.

Now, if we travel all the way to East Africa, and see that children are born and probably die before their parents celebrate their first birthday. Why…well, they could not feed them. a very simple problem that has a very simple answer and probably a very simple solution. Yet it seems that no one is bothered to do much to solve this problem. And we continue to waste food and resources when others can not even have the minimum to survive.

Well…Hello World…Where ever you are in this world. If you can and when you can..try to help that person in need…whether this person is at your door step or thousands of miles away. You never day you also might need a helping hand when you become 70 years old!

5 thoughts on “Hello world!”

  1. Hello Anas! It’s good to leave the first ever comment on blog of my first ever friend from Emirates! I strongly believe that your blog would become your contribution to resolve the problems you concerned! Wish you the best of luck in your undertaking!

  2. Anas your first blog is quite thought provoking. From the comfort of our armchairs these truths seemed far away. But the way you described made it feel all the more stark and real. I also feel guilty about the times I have worried about mundane things when truly I should have been counting my blessings and helping others. You were always very empathetic and we need people like you to make the world a better place.

  3. hi Anas, always love reading thru different blogs. but first time responding since i know u! few points i like to share;
    in my part of the world begging is more of a convenience, easy money. government is providing shelter and food for anyone in need. residents are advised not to encourage them by giving alms..
    the old lady selling a merchandise is definitely in need! either she needs to take care of someone or more in her family(invalids), or she needs to provide for herself as there is nobody to look after her.
    kids/people dying of lack of food is unacceptable in todays world. thousands are dying in india too not because there is not enough food. its purely because of bureaucracy, corruption and complacency. tons n tons of wheat, rice and pulses are destroyed every year.
    hope my kids doesnt get sapped into the meaningless materialistic world around us! guess i can make a difference by educating myself and my family into these values and getting our priorities right!!!
    look fwd to reading your next 🙂

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