The first question is how old you should be, to be dubbed as a grown up. Back in the days, by the age of 13 you were considered to be a grown up and should become a responsible person. These days, people in their 20’s 30’s 40’s even 50s act like children. I see this everyday and everywhere, in school, at work, and on the subway.

You probably can better understand what I mean when you look at the way people take pictures of themselves and post them all over the place in very childish poses.

These days, it is difficult sometimes to say that someone is an adult or has grown up. What adults do these days is closer to what children used to do many years ago. In fact it is closer to what children were asked not to do before.  As a child, you were always told not to break the rules, and will be punished if you did. As an adult you always break the rules, find ways to bend them, and to make it more exciting, you brag about it. As an adult, you tend to want to be bad and do things that are considered wrong, things you will probably till your children not to do.

You are probably playing more video games today than when you were a little kid. You are probably holding a teddy bear as we speak, and you are probably wearing a T-shirt with your favorite cartoon character on it. Does this sound familiar to you; it is certainly familiar to me.

Personally, I don’t think there should be an age limit for saying that someone is a child or not. In fact there is nothing wrong with being a child. Sometimes it is more fun being a child than an adult, even if it is for a few hours. The experience of being a child again is definitely and exciting one.

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