More than a year has passed since I have decided to go for my MBA. While the idea of dropping out came to my mind more than once, I have eventually finished what I started, at least I can say I have achieved something. The MBA journey has been an interesting one, not in its learning process but in what is taught in MBA programs. On my blog, the most visited post is “what does business school teach you.” Most of the hits came from people asking google the same question. It seems that they are either learning the hard way, about to quit, or about to start the same journey. I just hope that my blog post has influenced them in  a good way. Going to school after all is good and you get something out of education one way or another.

When I reflect on my experience, I sometimes wonder, what if I took a year off and spent the same amount of time and money and experimented doing new things and visited new places. One year, away from I would routinely do everyday to one year of new adventures, business adventures or fun stuff. Starting a new venture even if it is tiny will always teach you some thing new, and something different. You become the master and the student in the process. You set your own rules, and you set your own goals. No need for GMAT, admissions, ranking and all the non-sense that comes with business school. It would become a journey where you compete with your self and not others, a book that you write rather than read. The idea is so tempting that I sometimes regret that I have never thought about it before. Even traveling to new places, meeting new people and discovering new cultures is a learning experience in its self. I was fortunate to travel to many countries around the world mostly for work, and every time I landed somewhere, I learned something new. You become your own admissions, you become the dean, you find your mentors, you will always be the student, and you will decide your graduation date.

I am not sure how would someone think of making such a choice, but taking a decision like this, can be creative, different, courageous, and if things go wrong may be foolish, but so was the MBA decision to some extent.

A year ago, I said that I am taking a year off to study at a reputable business school and earn my MBA. Now, I think I should have rather took a year off and tried something new!

8 thoughts on “After one year!!”

  1. Anas, I love your blog. And to be honest, the same thoughts me to me after graduation. Though I wouldn’t say the program was 100% waste of time, I met new people and I experienced living in Korea. But the program was so easy for me, I worked harder on my undegraduate

  2. i guess i’ll be the first to comment and say congratulations on the MBA!sometimes we dont realize/appreciate what we have just achieved until a later time. everyone is very proud of you for this accomplishment, as you are i’m sure!
    as for taking another year off, well that experience will be even better when you get hitched!no escape for you!lol

  3. We all proud of you Anas and MBA was right choice not just to escape from the work or break as we all proud of you and the your university you selected as everywhere I go in korea they talk about sky so you will realize that how much important MBA and inshaallah it will add value a lot as you did in the past and MBA and education in general beside your experience for sure will add value as experience person in life I will never stop to learn and I will never escape from the work or wherever I am it should will go together and every moment of our life it is education the God is is given us opportunity we should take Care about that and appreciate that God bless you Anas and God bless every one who comments good luck and enjoy your life .
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  4. Dear Anas: You were courageous enough to make this choice and you did it. Also, whether you did this for yourself only, for external image, family business, or all the above, you took one closer step to God and self awareness (taghvah as I guess I would call it).

    From the practical application side, I think you will be surprised when the classes that you took will come in handy in different situations. I know when I took some of my first business classes and, after finishing them, I was thinking, “Great; where the heck am I going to use this stuff?” Well, the SAM charts, TAM charts, bottom zero line balancing, and, the Almighty word in business ROI, lessons are coming handy now when I assess different engineering projects :). Anyway, I, like many other people, am very proud of your achievement. Please enjoy it, and, at a very least, I know you have touched people’s lives positively in your school journey (imagine all the people you would have never met if you wouldn’t have attended your MBA program; I also happen to love Korea :). Take care, Hamid

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